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“Alignment Field products brings me incomparable pleasure in playing, and the acoustic qualities and performance of my violin have bed continuously enhanced at the same time.  It’s really incredible.” 



“My friend introduced QR to me during my time for preparing my first show《Singles in Love》 several months ago.  I am dubious about high technology products at the beginning but soon impressed after demonstration at the band room because of the sound quality changed immediately and become more balanced and distinct.  Audience like our QR sound system so much when on show and impressed at my virgin show!”




Roel A. Garcia (Mr.)

Keyboardist / Music Producer

Thank you for all the professional below with their testimonial  感謝以下各位專業用家的推薦

Professional Opinions 專業用家意見

“The advanced technology of Alignment Field gives you the most natural sound in every type of environment.  You can hear the enhancement no matter in studio or big concert hall.  Simply amazing!”

Teddy Suen (Mr.)    孫立功 先生

Renowned Jazz Guitarist

“Applying Alignment Field products that excel every instruments its’ capabilities and tone color.  Providing audience extraordinary refined sound enjoyment.”



Jensen Lung (Mr.)    龍向輝  先生

Former concertmaster of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta
Violin instructor at the Music Department, Hong Kong Baptist University 

Chan Hing Wah (Mr.)    陳興華  先生

Director, Conductor, Concert Master
Hong Kong Guitar Orchestra and Tsuen Wan
Philharmonic Orchestra

"With the application of Guitar-QR, I immediately recognized the significant change in both the tone color and resonance, and a very good balance attained between the two, resulting in music with fuller dimension, clearer texture and a more distinctive musical contour. After using for several more days, I've discovered that the potential of my instrument has never been fully manifested for all these years, the effect is really unbelievable!"


"當我把Guitar-QR產品貼上後,便立刻感到音色和共鳴產生明顯的變化,取得了良好的平衡,演奏時樂曲更立體, 音樂織體及線條更分明清晰。用上幾日後,才發覺這麼多年來我的樂器從未發揮到極限,效果難以置信。"

Clifton Kwan (Mr.)    關逸揚  先生

Stage Actor / Radio & TV program host
舞台劇演員 / 電台及電視節目主持

Sally Lam (Ms.)    林愛心  女士

Arts Administrator
Producer for various theatrical productions

“The performing venue in Hong Kong has always absorbed the sound of the performers and musical instruments, while the use of amplification lessened the authenticity of it.  The advantage of QR is the ability to resume the authentic sound quality of the performers and musical instruments, and transmit it directly to the ears of the audience; I believe for all theatrical professionals who strive for perfection would have their high acclaim for QR.” 



Ryu Lau (Mr.)    劉宗嶺  先生

Diploma of Tokyo Music School

“Having installed Stony Studios’ electric guitar cable and QR, the incompatible vibration among the strings had become more stable, and the sound quality immensely improved at the same time.  There is much more dynamic to the strumming of chords too.”


“Stony Studio的電結他cable及諧振器,令樂器弦與弦之間產生的不協調共振變得穩定,音質亦大大提升,掃Chord時更加倍動感。”

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